Website Draft Support

This feature improves Quarto’s support for draft documents in websites. It does this a few ways:

Improved linking behavior for draft documents

Previously, draft documents were excluded from search results, listings, and the sitemap. Now, draft documents will not appear in navigation as well (sidebar, navbars, and footers). Entries that link to a draft document will be removed / excluded. In addition, if a page on the website links to a draft document, the link will be omittted (leaving the contents of the link without the hyperlink itself).

These changes add up to mean that now when you mark a document as a draft, other pages will not link to it, so it will be as if it isn’t yet a part of the site.

Draft Modes

You can use the draft-mode option to control the behavior of draft documents in the rendered website. Use the following to control the behavior:

  • visible - the draft will visible and fully available
  • unlinked - the draft will be rendered, but will not appear in navigation, search, or listings.
  • gone - the draft will have no content and will not be linked to (default).

When the gone mode is selected, each draft document will still produce a file when the site is rendered, but the document will be empty.

Previewing Drafts

When you use quarto preview to preview your local copy of a website, any documents that are marked as drafts will be included in the preview (they will appear throughout the site as they would if they are not previews). When you view a document marked as a draft, a band across the top of the document will notify you that the page is a draft.

Previewing a draft document

Website Project Drafts

You can provide a list of prroject relative paths that will be considered a draft in your project configuration using the drafts option with an array of paths. Input listed in the option will be considered drafts and treated accodring to the draft mode that is selected.

Note that you can use metadata-files or profile to externalize the list of drafts (for example, if you wish to programmatically generate a list of draft documents).

Complete Example

  type: website

  title: "Cool Website."
      - stuff/item1.qmd
      - stuff/item2.qmd
      - stuff/item3.qmd
      - listing.qmd
      - text: Another One
    contents: stuff
      - stuff/item1.qmd
      - stuff/item3.qmd
1  drafts:
    - stuff/item3.qmd
2  draft-mode: visible

    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
    toc: true
The project is providing a simple list of draft documents. The same thing could be specified using draft: true in stuff/item3.qmd’s front matter.
The draft mode is set to visible, which will mean that drafts are linked to and visible when the site is rendered.

Complete Example with External Draft List

  type: website

  title: "Cool Website."
      - stuff/item1.qmd
      - stuff/item2.qmd
      - stuff/item3.qmd
      - listing.qmd
      - text: Another One
    contents: stuff
      - stuff/item1.qmd
      - stuff/item3.qmd

    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
    toc: true
  - drafts.yml
This project includes a metadata file which controls the draft behavior. This could be useful (for example) when a pre-render script would like to generate a file which contains a list of draft documents in the project.
    - stuff/item3.qmd
  draft-mode: gone