Get Started with Quarto

A video to jumpstart your Quarto journey

A new video for getting started with Quarto using R and RStudio.


Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel


May 15, 2023

Have you been hearing about Quarto but didn’t give it a try yet? Perused the Get Started pages but would like another intro? Or have about 20 minutes to spare and want to pick up a few Quarto tips? You’ve come to the right place!

In this video, I walk you through creating documents, presentations, and websites and publishing with Quarto. The video features authoring Quarto documents with executable R code chunks using the RStudio Visual Editor.

Select highlights include:

If you would like to follow along as you watch the video, you can find the source code for everything created in the video in this GitHub repository and the published website on QuartoPub.


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