Customizing Table Output

Author and customize markdown tables using Quarto

This post provides an overview of these capabilities in Quarto. For more detail about all the features Quarto for authoring tables, see Tables.


JJ Allaire


February 15, 2022

Quarto includes a number of features aimed at making it easy to to author and customize markdown table output, including:

This post provides an overview of these capabilities in Quarto. For more detail about all the features Quarto for authoring tables, see Tables.

Markdown Tables

The most commonly used markdown table is known as a pipe table. Pipe tables support specifying per column alignment as well as captions. For example:

| Default | Left | Right | Center |
| 12      | 12   |    12 |   12   |
| 123     | 123  |   123 |  123   |
| 1       | 1    |     1 |   1    |

: Demonstration of pipe table sytnax

Here is the table rendered to HTML:

Demonstration of pipe table syntax
Default Left Right Center
12 12 12 12
123 123 123 123
1 1 1 1

Caption Location

By default, table captions are positioned above tables. You can modify this behavior using the tbl-cap-location option. For example:

tbl-cap-location: top

Explicit Column Widths

Beyond standard pipe table syntax for expressing column width, you can also explicitly specify columns widths using the tbl-colwidths attribute or document-level option. For an individual markdown table, add the attribute after the caption. For example:

| fruit  | price  |
| apple  | 2.05   |
| pear   | 1.37   |
| orange | 3.09   |

: Fruit prices {tbl-colwidths="[75,25]"}

Note that this option is specified at the top level so that it can be shared by both PDF and HTML formats. If you are only targeting a single format you can place it alongside other format specific options.

Valid values for the caption location include:

Value Description
top Position the caption above the table.
bottom Position the caption below the table.
margin Position the caption in the margin.


All of the options described above work for tables produced by executable code cells. For example, here we apply the tbl-cap, tbl-colwidths and tbl-caption-location options to a code cell:

#| tbl-cap: "Cars"
#| tbl-colwidths: [60,40]
#| tbl-cap-location: margin


In addition to the above, which focused on some of the features of Quarto when writing pipe tables in markdown, you can also author tables using grid syntax. You review the documentation. for more detail.


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